Developmental Perspectives on Cognition and Learning

  • describe Piaget's theoretical framework;
  • list and describe the four Piagetian stages of development;
  • describe Vygotskian approaches to learning;
  • compare Piagetian and Vygotskian Perspectives;
  • describe modern theories of child development.
book Week at a glance

Please listen to this presentation

book Read

Please read:

[Ormrod, J. E. (2007) Chapter 11. Developmental Perspectives on Cognition (p. 308-349)]

activity Required Activities

Please watch this video presentation:

pbs The Secret Life of the Brain: The Baby's Brain (49 min) - Ormrod spends a large part of her chapter on development to Piaget and Vygotsky. While Piaget and Vygotsky are important from a historic perspective, it's important to realize that this theory base is somewhat dated, and much has changed since these two were alive. This PBS video shows a more recent perspective. Kuhl is featured in this video. An example paper from this research is listed below.

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

Kuhl, P. K., Tsao, F. M., & Liu, H.M. (2003). pdf Foreign-Language Experience in Infancy: Effects of Short-Term Exposure and Social Interaction on Phonetic Learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100 (15) 9096-9101

link Speed Limit On Babies' Vision - a recent study that has implications for visual perception in developing children and those with disorders like dyslexia

Elluminate Optional session - Thursday, Oct 13th 7:00 PM EST