Operant (Instrumental) Conditioning

  • define operant conditioning;
  • distinguish between classical and operant conditioning;
  • distinguish between examples of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.
book Week at a glance

Please listen to this presentation:

book Read

Please read:

[Ormrod, J. E. (2007) Chapter 4. Instrumental Conditioning (p. 49-80)]
[Ormrod, J. E. (2007) Chapter 5. Applications of Instrumental Conditioning, (p.81-114)]

activity Required Activities

Please review this presentation:

presentation Operant Conditioning (~14.5 minutes, 10.2 MB) download

quiz Quiz 1: opens Thr Sept 8th - closes Sun Sept 11th
The quizzes are based upon the readings in the textbook, are open book, and although other materials may help you understand what you have read, it is imperative the you READ THE TEXTBOOK!!!!

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

video Skinner and Behaviorism (~20 minutes) - this short video has several relevant examples. Please take a few minutes to watch it. The menu items will not work until the video has downloaded to that point.

YouTube Schedule of reinforcement

doc Quiz 1 terms - you may want to use this document to help you study for the quiz

Quiz bank questions - I was told there is a quiz bank for Dr Ormrod's textbook. Here are the questions that I found. You may want to review these as they will help you study for quiz 1 which is next week.

word Chapter 1
word Chapter 3
word Chapter 4
word Chapter 5