Week 11 Instructional Materials

  • Describe factors that may cause revisions in media selections and delivery systems for a given instruction.
  • Name and describe the components of an instructional package.
  • List four categories of criteria for judging the appropriateness of existing instructional materials.
  • Name appropriate rough draft materials for various final media.
  • Given an instructional strategy, describe the procedures for developing instructional materials.
book Week at a glance

Please listen to this presentation

book Read

Please read:
Chapter 9 Developing Instructional Materials
[Dick, Carey, & Carey (2009) pp 222-255]

activity Required Activities

assignmentAssignment 4 (Due Mar 20 10:00PM EST) The next step in the instructional design process is to create a plan or blueprint for the instruction, called the Instructional Treatment Plan. You will select appropriate instructional strategies and determine the best choice of media for the instruction. Please use the attached template to help you develop this plan. Add this to you prior work as we have done before.

presentation Instructional Materials & Media Selection (22.5 minutes, 12.5MB) download

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

video Simonson on Clark - (3 minutes, 8.3MB) - This is a short video by our own Dr Simonson who discusses his position on Richard Clark's publications about the use of Instructional Media.

link Chunk (or "chunking") - I had a question about the word chunk in the Instructional treatment plan. It is related to sequencing. Without getting too technical, just think of the work chunk like you think of the word "bunch." Really! A "chunk" is a grouping term used very colloquially to refer to a "bunch of stuff." In instructional design it is most often used when grouping or sequencing verbal information. As you write a paper you naturally organize your thoughts and chunk a paper by creating sections. Each of these section could be thought of as a large chunk of the paper. It's just a way to organize information. Here another link with pdf Strategies for chunking.